I have some great news!! After several applications and appeals, Brent’s exclusion period was finally (temporarily) waived so that he can come to Australia for a job interview in September!
Since April, Brent has been working on his application for New South Wales Ambulance Service (since we thought that might be a good way to get him here!). After a long process (similar to applying to Medical school, actually) and making sure all his qualifications were recognized in Australia, he was asked to visit Sydney to continue on with the application process (interviews, aptitude tests, driving tests, physical tests and a medical assessment). So, we recently applied for a short stay business visa to see if they would consider letting him in for the interviews … and obviously the application was successful this time :) !!
This means that Brent will here in September (or earlier) for 2-6 weeks depending on what the visa allows. Once he gets the job, he’ll be eligible to apply for a 4-year sponsored visa which will allow him to work here until I finish school!
So, needless to say, we are both very happy right now!
As far as school goes, I’m in my respiratory block right now- so our cases of the week have been Pneumothorax, Asthma, and this week, Asbestosis and Restrictive Lung Diseases. I can’t say that I’m terribly crazy about this block so far, but I guess it will still be useful information if I’m going to be a GP! He he he. Plus, we are finally learning to use are stethoscopes properly, which is probably something pretty important.
Today I spent the day downtown with Janice looking for props for our MED REVUE which is coming up soon! Each year, the first year med students put on a big play/production (that is called the MED REVUE). It runs for 4 nights at the end of August and it raises money for a charity of our choice. Probably about a third of the people in my class are involved in some way or another. I didn’t want to act or write, so I decided to join the set design, costumes and props teams. It has turned out to be a lot more work than I thought it would be- but it can be pretty fun and I’ve met some new people- so I guess it has been worth it so far!
I also have a lot of little school projects that are due in early September, so I’m going to try to get them all done before Brent gets here! One of the projects is a group poster project dealing with ‘Health and Climate Change’. My group decided on Dengue Fever- and I agreed to make the poster if they did the research! Here’s what I’ve done so far- but I’ll put another picture up when it is done.
I wasn’t really expecting to do things like this in med school- but I don’t mind cause it is a nice change. PLUS, at the end of the semester the posters are voted on and the top 3 get cash prizes! Cross your fingers! :)
Not much else to tell you right now. Hope everyone is doing well at home… ! :) Miss you!
This means that Brent will here in September (or earlier) for 2-6 weeks depending on what the visa allows. Once he gets the job, he’ll be eligible to apply for a 4-year sponsored visa which will allow him to work here until I finish school!
So, needless to say, we are both very happy right now!
As far as school goes, I’m in my respiratory block right now- so our cases of the week have been Pneumothorax, Asthma, and this week, Asbestosis and Restrictive Lung Diseases. I can’t say that I’m terribly crazy about this block so far, but I guess it will still be useful information if I’m going to be a GP! He he he. Plus, we are finally learning to use are stethoscopes properly, which is probably something pretty important.
Today I spent the day downtown with Janice looking for props for our MED REVUE which is coming up soon! Each year, the first year med students put on a big play/production (that is called the MED REVUE). It runs for 4 nights at the end of August and it raises money for a charity of our choice. Probably about a third of the people in my class are involved in some way or another. I didn’t want to act or write, so I decided to join the set design, costumes and props teams. It has turned out to be a lot more work than I thought it would be- but it can be pretty fun and I’ve met some new people- so I guess it has been worth it so far!
I also have a lot of little school projects that are due in early September, so I’m going to try to get them all done before Brent gets here! One of the projects is a group poster project dealing with ‘Health and Climate Change’. My group decided on Dengue Fever- and I agreed to make the poster if they did the research! Here’s what I’ve done so far- but I’ll put another picture up when it is done.
Not much else to tell you right now. Hope everyone is doing well at home… ! :) Miss you!