It was also interesting to be in Australia during the Olympics this year. There seemed to be a lot of hype about it all (maybe because Australia does so much better or because it was winter here, so no one had anything better to do). I didn’t get to see too much of it since I don’t have a TV, but I did scope out some quiet waiting rooms in the hospital where I was able to spend some spare time watching swimming! :)
Other than that, not much else is new. I’ve been spending a lot of my time working on my honours project and helping run the North American Medical Students Association of which I am now a part of the executive. My study group (with my Canadian girls- Janice, Brooke, Heather and Amy) is also going really well and Brooke has been sharing all her U of T secrets with us … he he. We’ve recently made a lot of our study sessions into ‘girls nights’ which have been a nice break from studying and a good excuse to make some nice dinners!
Speaking of nice dinners, my friend Jad (who I worked with at the beach) recently moved to Sydney to be with his Australian girlfriend. Coincidently, they ended up moving into a place about 20 minutes (walk) away from me and had me over for an amazing dinner last week (fresh salmon from the fish market!).This past Friday (which was probably my last ‘night out’ for a while), a few of my friends and I went to see the Whitlams concert downtown at the State Theatre. They are the band that Brent and I went to see at the Opera House while he was in Sydney last September. I just love them!! And as always, they put on a great show. That is one thing I will definitely miss when I move back to Canada. Although, I think I might also miss the weather. Our 3-month ‘winter’ is pretty much over already and we are back to beautiful, sunny, mid-20 days already (actually 31 tomorrow!). I was back in the pool swimming outside today—something I’ll never get sick of!Well I better get back to my studying. We are learning about HRT, BPH, STIs and IVF these days. It’s pretty interesting since they are all very common issues. A LOT of our professors have been very passionate about their topics and several of them have told the women in the class (since most of us are now past the ‘ideal’ child bearing age of 24), on numerous occasions now, that we “shouldn’t be attending the lectures and instead we should be out getting pregnant”! Easy for them to say. We also learned some other interesting stats: apparently studies are now showing that babies of fathers who smoke are up to 10 times more likely to develop brain tumors in their lifetime. Eeek. Also, they say that couples who have twins are 5 times more likely to get divorced than the average couple. A bit of a sad stat- but I still think I’m super lucky to have my twin!
Miss you guys. xoxo