My first/“urban” rotation was in Toronto with Dr. Kee. Her office was about a 5 minute drive from Beech Ave which was very convenient. Her patients were really nice, I learned a lot and got to do a LOT of procedures and physical examinations. She also took me to some fancy dinners put on by various drug companies.
Brent's last meal-break as a Paramedic :)
My second/ “rural” rotation was in Collingwood with Dr. Moran. Brent took the month off work and we ‘moved’ up to Dad’s place in Collingwood for the month. Brent played hockey with Dr. Moran twice/week and also spent some time biking with Dr. Moran’s son. They took us out to a few drug company lobster dinners (where Brent had to pretend to be a med student)!

In between all the assignments and office work, Brent and I managed to get to Montreal, Windsor, Sudbury and Honey Harbour to visit family and enjoy some weekends away.