I had an interesting lecture this morning at 9am on Evidence Based Medicine (basically telling us to do our own research about medications and treatments and not to take bribes from drug reps). The other interesting piece of info from that lecture that I learned is that it is a good idea to eat probiotic yogurt when you are taking antibiotics to help decrease your chances of getting diarrhea (a common side effect when taking antibiotics).

After class Janice, Len, Elaine, Sadiq and I went to check out what was going on for “O-Week” at the great hall. We couldn’t believe all the stuff that was there!! The entire front lawn of the school was covered in tents, trampolines and games. It felt like we were at a carnival! Free food and giveaways everywhere! Janice and I went looking at some ‘learn to surf’ booths and some scuba diving ones too. I think we might do a scuba diving course together (if I get the ok from Mom and Dad :) )… he he he. It is a long course- but I guess it is better to do it now while I’m not too busy with school work!
This is Sadiq sitting on a keg (posing for me) at O week.

This is right after Sadiq sat on something sticky stuck to the keg.

I came home for a quick lunch and then ran back across campus for my PBL. We talked a lot about anorexia nervosa and then about phenylketonuria (PKU). PKU is our problem of the week. It is an inborn error in metabolism that is treatable and screened for when babies are born. Even though a lot of people hadn’t heard of it, it is actually fairly common (occurring in 1 out of every 10 000 people).
After my PBL I came home, had “afternoon tea” (aka a snack) and then headed out to King St. to do some errands. I got some window screen at the hardware store, got some groceries and stopped by a travel agency to get some more info on Fiji. I tried to put the screen up in my window with duct tape tonight, but it didn’t work so well. I’m hoping it will at least stay up until it gets a little cooler.

Ps. I saw another giant spider at my PBL today AND a flying cockroach while I was walking home. I hear all cockroaches fly, but it is still pretty alarming to have one flying towards you.
Pps. Did everyone hear that Dommy got traded? :(
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