Brent has been here for almost a week now and things are just great! My schedule has been pretty full, but very fun! :)

Last Wednesday, when Brent was on his way to Sydney, Janice and Nick offered to keep me company for the evening so that the time would go by a little faster! We all went to a “Careers in Medicine talk" for a few hours and then out for some Mexican food. We also decided to go see a movie (“Sicko”) at about 9pm- which seemed like a good idea at the time, but it meant I only had about 3-4 hours of sleep before picking up Brent at the airport!

Brent arrived on Thursday morning at 6am and his Lifesaving friend, Alphabet, offered to bring me to the airport and pick up Brent. Brent actually got through customs pretty fast, so we didn't wait long at all. It was very exciting to see him HERE! We went out for breakfast and then had a little nap (I was the one who needed it!). In the afternoon I showed Brent around campus and brought him to the grocery store. We had cheese and crackers for dinner that night since we were both too tired to eat much more!

On Friday we took the ferry over to Manly. The weather was pretty awful, but I had planned the little trip a while ago, so we went anyway. When we got to Manly we ended up finding some REALLY great deals on some used surf boards- so we each got one!

We ended up surfing at Manly both Friday and Saturday!! We only had 1mL wetsuits (from home) which ended up being a little too thin, but we still stayed out for at least an hour each time. The waves were HUGE, but it was really fun and really good exercise (for me at least)!

On Saturday afternoon we walked around Newtown and then went out for dinner with a group of my friends. That night I took Brent to the Med Revue play that we have been working on for months. It actually turned out pretty well and had some really funny skits in it. I also dragged Brent to the after party so that he could meet a bunch of my friends here. We were up really late that night and I was so surprised that Brent even stayed awake after falling asleep at 9pm the two nights before!

On Sunday we slept in really late and then headed out to Ikea to get some more things for my little studio. After only 3 days of eating our meals on the floor or the bed, we decided that we should probably get a small table. Alphabet also offered to pick us up at Ikea so we didn’t have to bring all our purchases back on the train with us!
Monday was the first day of my hematology block at the hospital. It was a very full day, but Brent and I both got lots done. I left for the hospital before 7am and Brent got up with me, walked me across campus (to where I catch my ride) and then he went for run! At the hospital I saw two patients in the hematology ward- one lady in her 40’s with an autoimmune type of anemia and one man in his 60’s who had prostate cancer which had just spread to his bones :(. We also had a long hospital session on needlestick injuries and disposal of sharps and then a really long PBL session in the evening. I really like my new PBL group, but it is a much different format because we have a hematologist as out tutor! The doctor we have is actually the head of hematology in Western Sydney, which is exciting, but also slightly intimidating. I did find out that his cousin is working at McGill’s Dentistry School- which was quite a coincidence!
Luckily that night I got a ride home from the hospital and got home just before 8pm. Brent was home and had made a HUGE, nice dinner for me! Chicken (made in the toaster oven), rice (in our new rice cooker) and steamed broccoli and carrots! Plus he made a big FRESH fruit salad for desert. It was the best dinner I’ve had since I’ve been in Australia… and he made it without having a kitchen! He he he.

Tuesday I had lectures at the hospital from 8am till noon (which made for an early morning), but at least I was finished early too. Brent got up with me again and went for another run in the morning. I was home by about 1:30pm and Brent made us some really GREAT sandwiches for lunch. At 2pm it was about 27 degress outside so we decided to hop on a bus (with Janice too) and go to Bondi Beach for the afternoon. :) It was Brent’s first time there and I was so excited to go since it is my favourite beach here. Unfortunately, in all the excitement, I managed to forget my bathing suit!! Brent still went in the water for a little bit of body surfing, but apparently the water was freezing… so we’ll have to go back with our wetsuits another time. On our way home we stopped at the grocery store and made another really yummy meal for dinner! After dinner we went to a bar down the street (where there was a Unimed party happening) so that I could introduce Brent to my friend, Buck, who is the head of Unimed and who also JUST got a job with New South Wales Ambulance. Buck starts his training on Monday and offered to take Brent through the driving test before his interview in a few weeks! :)
Today I have the day off, so we slept in and cleaned our little room in the morning. We also played badminton for a while in the afternoon, which was really fun! Badminton is really not very popular here so it was VERY easy to get a court here on campus… and it was only about a 5 minute walk from where we live! Tonight I am going to try to get some work done and Brent is going to relax and maybe plan something fun for the weekend!

Hope everyone is doing well at home! Miss you guys lots!
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