It’s been a busy few weeks- and I have an exam at the end of this week, so I’m gonna try to keep this blog entry short. The weather hasn’t been great lately, but Brent and I have been trying to take advantage of the nice days that we do have. The days that are nice are warm enough for Brent to surf and for me to lie on the beach and study- so that’s not too shabby. It’s early spring here now- and really it feels like early summer- so we shouldn’t complain.

A few weeks ago, on one of my days off, we decided to go to the Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre for a swim/workout. It’s only a few suburbs away from my apartment, and takes about 15 minutes to bike to.

The complex is absolutely beautiful and was practically empty when we were there- so I’m sure we’ll be going back. We had a good swim and then relaxed in the hot tub and sauna for a while (to get our $$s worth… he he he).

On our way home, we biked over to the fish market near Darling Harbour and got some fresh giant prawns for dinner!

School has been good, but busy! I had my first OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Exam) exam last week at the hospital. It’s a practical exam that consists of 4 different stations- each consisting of about 6 minutes of interacting with a real patient while a doctor (examiner) watches you. We could’ve been tested on anything that we’d done this year, but the 4 stations I was tested on were: taking blood pressure, a respiratory/occupational history, an orthopedic (HIP) examination and a drug and alcohol history. I think the stations went well for me, but we haven’t got our results back yet. I’m still really enjoying hematology, but am pretty happy that it will be over in a week so that I won’t have to travel so far EVERY day!
For our procedural skill last week, we learned to cannulate.

We practiced on plastic arms again- and then on each other. Nick and I were partners again, but this time he managed to miss the vein on my left arm completely and then go right through the vein on my right arm. Needless to say I have some big bruises covering my forearms now.

Brent is also finally finished with his New South Wales Ambulance testing and interviewing. There was a bit of a delay since they managed to lose his aptitude and personality tests that he wrote- but everything got sorted out eventually. His driving test, medical and physical assessment and interview all went really well, though. And on Friday, they offered him the job! Unfortunately, we still have to wait to see if immigration will decide to sponsor his visa- so more waiting before we can make any plans!

Since the past few weeks have been a little stressful, we decided to treat ourselves to a night at the Opera House on Friday. I got some cheap tickets from a friend in my class who had ended up with a few extras somehow. The show ended up being just amazing- and was also sold out. It was in the main concert hall and we saw an Australian Band, known as the Whitlams, playing with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

We both really loved them! We also had a nice dinner at a little pub in the Rocks before the show.
This weekend has been pretty uneventful since I’ve been trying to do some reading for my exam coming up- but we did get out to see a Footy (Rugby) game on campus yesterday. The game was the Medicine students vs. the Denistry students- and Med won of course :) he he he.

It was fun to see, but even after playing for a year in high school, I still really had no clue what was going on. Hopefully I’ll be able to figure it out sometime in the next 4 years!
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